P.C. Hodgell


PS Does anyone identify with Kindrie?  I like him a lot better since he developed a backbone, but one has to remember his history, which almost de-boned him.  Maybe I just have trouble with passive characters ...
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Re: Kindrie

(Score: 1)
by arid_zephyr (arid_zephyr@yahoo.com) on Jun 07, 2008 - 01:39 PM
(User information 
Yes, identify fairly strongly with Kindrie. He reminds me of myself in that he is far too passive and timid. However, I envy his inner strength and his determination once he commits to a task. Jame might be more appealing, and I do love her dearly, but she and her bother are so impulsive and so weak at their core that in ways I think of them as weaker than Kindrie. I think if you dropped either of them into the middle of a totalitarian society, they would either take over, committing many of the same sins as the previous rulers, or they might get themselves killed. Kindrie, especially now that he has some more self-confidence, he might lead a revolution.

Hmm, okay, that sounds kind of arrogant for me to say. IT sounds like I am telling you what your characters are like. However it is my impression.

By the way, it seems to be a cruel torture of the likes you would find in the inner sanctums of Restormir for you to have a link on your website to excerpts from current work and have nothing there.

By the way, is there any source for getting _A Ballad of the White Plague: the Casebook_? I did love the Sherlock Holmes story.

As a last question, do you think about etymology very much in naming people and places? For example, Restormir seems to have positive connotations, despite it not beign a verypositive place.

Re: Kindrie

(Score: 1)
by Estara on Jun 07, 2008 - 06:24 PM
(User information http://www.bookish.net)
Since you double-post to lj now, I'll comment there now, ok? It's easier because you're showing up on my reading list/friends page.