P.C. Hodgell
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Re: Wiscon and a LJ Fan Page

(Score: 1)
by Estara on Jun 05, 2008 - 03:05 PM
(User information http://www.bookish.net)
Wow, I bought that in hardcover when it came out (mainly for the cover... I think) but it was too different from my usual taste in fantasy at the time and I gifted it away... I don't even remember it as being horse-centric... heh

The Brennan books are utterly horse-centered, the Tarr books, except for the quasi-Arabian-1001-Nights tale A Wind in Kairo, not so much...

Hmm, but then I mostly read her The Hound and The Falcon Series and the Avaryan Rising trilogy, considering what's mentioned on Amazon now I haven't read widely enough to know if she's written any more horsey things as Judith Tarr.

As for Lackey, the Valdemar books I think are best for YA, or if you're like me, for people who still enjoy coming-of-age stories.

I believe her Talia trilogy - Arrows of the Queen, Arrow's Flight, Arrow's Fall (which is what Valdemar started out with) and By the Sword (which doesn't have any Companions until the very end, but some hardy nomad stock fighting horses) are especially strong. I like some of her other series and some not so much, but at least 12 of the Valdemar books are keepers on my shelves.